
We are currently facing enormous risks from powerful natural disasters, etc., such as increasing temperatures, torrential rain and flooding caused by global climate change.
The ITFOR Group has accepted the challenge to halve greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2030 by moving ahead with initiatives for strengthening emission standards both directly and indirectly based on international frameworks. We believe that establishing disaster-prevention measures against the risk of climate change is imperative, and we will provide solutions for BCP from the viewpoint of business sustainability.

Promoting Activities Against the Risk of Climate Change

Not only are we promoting various activities within the company against the risk of climate change, such as moving ahead with paperless operations, we are also providing companies with solutions that are effective in reducing CO2 emissions.

Detailed Initiatives

Digitalization of Certification Using Blockchain Technology

ITFOR, together with the Kyushu Institute of Technology and Chaintope Inc., is carrying out joint verification experiments into the electronic issuance of university course completion certificates with the use of blockchain technology. Enabling students to obtain their certificates without having to visit the university registrar’s office will cut down on traveling by car and indirectly result in the reduction of CO2 emissions.

Click here for further details

Contributing to Reducing the Burden on the Environment Through Cashless Payments

Providing regional financial institutions, etc., with cashless payment platforms enables ITFOR to support the promotion of cashless payments in rural areas. Whereas it was necessary up until now to actually deliver cash in person by car or, in the case of offshore islands, by ferry boats in a cash-payment society, this is no longer necessary with cashless payments, which indirectly results in the reduction of CO2 emissions.

Establishing New Work Spaces by Eradicating the Use of Paper

Amid an environment in which companies are reducing the size of office space in alignment with work-style reforms, ITFOR has newly increased its floor space in the Tokyo head office building. This new space has taken a firm stance on being completely paperless and is therefore not equipped with copy machines or shredders so that we can reduce the amount of paper used and the amount of garbage that needs to be disposed of. It is also a free-seating area in which employees are able to sit in any seat they wish, and there are no cabinets for storing documentation, etc. In this way, we are moving ahead with our initiatives for reducing waste by establishing numerical transparency on the amount of paper used.